The meaning on unity in Kobudo articles blog Jan 26, 2024

Some years ago, Unsui stood in front of a crowd of students and guests from around the world to make a toast. With a glass of Swiss beer in hand, and over a spread of fondue, his sentiment was...

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Jutte Jutsu, the poetic justice of ten hands articles blog Jan 23, 2024

Alexander Hamilton, a real American bad-ass leading a group of soldier at night to attack camped out British troops using only fixed bayonets. He was 19. The guy went on to defend New York in it's...

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The Iroha Poem articles blog Jan 04, 2024

I offer you something I enjoyed today, so that you may do the same, maybe even more so.

The Iroha Poem
'The leaves may shine with colored gloss,
But they will fall, forever lost.
In this false world,...

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On Pain, Along the Way articles blog Dec 19, 2023

The path taken within the Dojo and throughout the life of someone studying Kobudo.

Darkness is not a safe place for the untrained. It just isn't.

The path involves you facing yourself, be it through...

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How to choose the right uke articles blog Mar 14, 2023

When I teach a seminar, I try to show a technique with the toughest, most capable uke. Not the easiest, lightest student with graceful ukemi performed to make me look good. I want to mix it up with...

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Hatsu Keiko 2023 articles blog Jan 04, 2023
Akemashite omedetō. Congratulations on the New year, 2023. We began the shift to the  year in private at the Yasuragi Dojo with cleaning, meditation and our first New Year's eve ceremony.
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25 Years Teaching Martial Arts to Kids announcments blog Dec 11, 2022
I want to thank everyone who have been a part of the dojo community and supporting the Jinenkan organization throughout 2022.
As we came out of 2020 and 2021, there has been so much...
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Jinenkan Seminar, Los Angeles 2022 articles blog Nov 11, 2022

Amazing time teaching in Los Angeles this past weekend, Koto Ryu Koppojutsu and Togakure Ryu Bikenjutsu. An enormous amount of material covered, and still a long way to go. I have so much gratitude...

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On Kikusui, our new logo and eternal youth articles blog culture Aug 23, 2022

Taken from the cover of a book, Adam Mitchell purchased at an antique book store in Japan, the "Kikusui" logo literally translates to “Chrysanthemum water”. It's original reference...

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On Kakkofudo, and being invincible articles blog Aug 07, 2022

"I am invincible" Maciej said as we were leaving the Dojo on Saturday morning. I knew what he meant, I think maybe more than he realized.

After morning training, I asked Maciej if he wouldn’t...

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Renshu, price of admission to complete realization articles blog May 20, 2022

練習, renshu. To train repetitively. Knowing with the mind and knowing with the body are different things. I’m not interested in talking about a martial art I can’t realize and perform...

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Finding Humanity in the Tea House blog Mar 19, 2022

In 2014, I was led into an old Japanese tea house, by Sensei.

Accompanying me were a dozen or so folks I really knew nothing about, other than I’d trust my life with each one of them without...

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On Observing the Student blog Mar 16, 2022

Observing a student. You have to know each one in a way they do not know themselves. This is what separates a teacher from a charlatan, it’s the willingness to learn about the individual...

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My fight has always been within articles blog Nov 16, 2021

It just took some time to learn this.

“What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others” - Confucius

I spent almost all of my life looking to fight, face...

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The human body has the same weak points and so does the mind articles blog Oct 08, 2021
The human body has the same weak points and so does the mind whether a person is standing or on the ground. For a way to practice, once a standing technique has been mastered, you can try using...
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Shuko, a good way to break your hand blog Sep 07, 2021
Itto Dori 一刀島. In my last post about this, I mentioned a bit about the shuko, and how I’d challenge any practitioner to do the techniques of the Ukemi Gata as demonstrated in popular videos,...
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