Preserving the Kosen Judo, with Joichi Hirao Sensei articles blog Oct 09, 2024

Listen to this episode on: iTunes, Spotify, YoutTube

Keeping alive the history, truth and training of old school Judo.

I am thrilled to have the esteemed Joichi Hirao Sensei joining me in...

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Learning from Maasai, Spear Fighting with the Elder Warrior articles blog Aug 13, 2024

Journals from my travels into the heart of Kenya to immerse myself in the ways of the Maasai tribe.

My purpose for being in Kenya, was to travel throughout the most poverty stricken areas to...

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Saving Kominka, The Endangered Folk House articles blog Jul 30, 2024

There are 800,000 traditional buildings in Japan, some hundreds of years old, and the are abandon and being torn down at 10% each year. These incredible structures, forgotten representations of...

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Kobudo Going Forward, with Manaka Unsui articles blog Jun 05, 2024

This is the video episode, recorded at the Shunpukan Dojo, in Noda-shi, following a week of training with Unsui Sensei. He sat us down to discuss how we should approach our study of traditional...

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Finding The Dao in Violence, with Jack Schaefer articles blog May 15, 2024

Episode 11: Not Ignoring the Dao in the Traditional Martial Arts

Listen on: iTunes, Spotify or YouTube

Today we sit down with Taoist Priest, Chinese Medicine practitioner and martial...

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Death and Rebirth of the Bu Jin, with Sean Askew articles blog May 07, 2024

Episode 9: A dialogue on the Togakure Ryu, myth, fact the future of a Hidden Lineage

Listen on: iTunes, Spotify or YouTube

Join me in conversation with Sean Askew, author of Hidden...

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Kyo To, Look at The Hands articles blog Apr 11, 2024

Kyo To: Currently the kata we are training in the Dojo, Takagi Yoshin Ryu Shoden Omote Gata.

Look at the hands.

One of the foundational points Unsui Sensei teaches in this form is a complete lack...

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Discovering Ikigai-kan, A Life Worth Living, with Nick Kemp articles blog Apr 09, 2024

Epsiode 7: Ikigai and unraveling it's profound meaning as the essence of life’s purpose.

Listen on: iTunesSptoify and YouTube

Nicholas Kemp, author of Ikigai-kan, Feel A...

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From Traditional Kata to Modern Reality: Exploring Knife Fighting in Kobudo articles blog Apr 05, 2024

In this reflection, I share from a deeply personal and traumatic experience of being attacked and stabbed and exactly how this event shaped my perspective on knife defense as a martial arts...

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Rewriting Budo, with Eric Shahan articles blog Mar 26, 2024

Episode 3: Uncovering Martial Arts Wisdom: Eric Shahan's Journey into Translating Japanese Books

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In this episode, I...

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Kobudo Training and Attaining Kakusei Mushin, with Manaka Unsui articles blog Mar 22, 2024

 In this exciting kickoff episode of the Shugyo podcast, host Adam Mitchell welcomes you to sit beside him and his students, at a Dojo in Japan with his teacher, Manaka Unsui, to...

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Reflection 1: Keep Going articles blog Mar 22, 2024

Episode 2. Unveiling the True Meaning of "Keep Going" in the Path of Budo Mastery

Visit and listen: Shugyo Podcast
Subscribe on: iTunes, Spotify

In this episode of Shugyo, host Adam Mitchell delves...

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In This Class: Osae Komi Waza, Shiho and Kesa Gatame articles blog Jan 30, 2024

In this class, we drilled fundamental newaza techniques from the osae komi waza (pinning techniques) with a focus on shiho and kesa gatame (four corner and scarf hold locks). This is just a quick...

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The meaning on unity in Kobudo articles blog Jan 26, 2024

Some years ago, Unsui stood in front of a crowd of students and guests from around the world to make a toast. With a glass of Swiss beer in hand, and over a spread of fondue, his sentiment was...

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Jutte Jutsu, the poetic justice of ten hands articles blog Jan 23, 2024

Alexander Hamilton, a real American bad-ass leading a group of soldier at night to attack camped out British troops using only fixed bayonets. He was 19. The guy went on to defend New York in it's...

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The Iroha Poem articles blog Jan 04, 2024

I offer you something I enjoyed today, so that you may do the same, maybe even more so.

The Iroha Poem
'The leaves may shine with colored gloss,
But they will fall, forever lost.
In this false world,...

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